John Joy


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Born in Toronto 1925 – 2012

John painted out of doors for over sixty years.
He is indeed considered to be one of the senior statesmen of Plein Air painting in
Ontario. Having studied early in his career with Doris McCarthy John has acquired
the speed and discipline to quickly capture the essential elements of his composition.
Warm early morning light attracts this enthusiastic painter to the openness of the
Canadian landscape or an old Cabbagetown lane or a Toronto backyard.
Joy was equally at home at the Arts and Letters Club painting from the model.

John is widely collected. As a teacher he was an inspiration to those individuals lucky enough to be included in his painting circle.

His finely rendered paintings in both watercolour and acrylic display an inherent
spontaneity that captures the on location atmosphere of an inspired moment.

John passed away Jan. 14 at the age of 86. He leaves behind Elsie, his wife of 62 years, their three daughters, Marcia, Kika and Andrea, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. .